Saturday, April 6, 2013

a few good days....

First we need to welcome a new family member to our list and that would be Miss Ellie.. A kitten 4 months old that I got for my Mother because she got another cat named Joanie and she got her for 5 day and my Mom never even saw her so I told her to call back the lady and to come get the hiding cat and then surprise her with Miss Ellie... She looks almost exactly like Wooshie.. She is so sweet and cute and My Mom was happy she has been happier since she got her... I tried to tell her and warned her that older cats sometimes have issues which of course they and we all do.. But I think I got the right one for my Mother.... :0)  I seems excited and a littler happier now.  She got my kids from school today as the Boss and I had something to take care of.  It turned out wonderful we are hoping for it to continue... I will not speak about it because GOD knows who reads my blogs LQTM... But just know we FEEL GREAT at this point and time.  I am sick yet again which pisses me off but shoot what can I do.. I am so tired I can not sleep it is 4:35 am I am about to start dusting and then maybe I can breathe somewhat.. HEHEEH  A special note to my BBS thank you for stepping it up and keeping close touch with me since Gramps passed away and for texting me A LOT it helps. I love you and them.. To my Mother a special thank you for helping me out so much on all the things I have been doing and for helping with the GRANDS if they could have it their way you would be picking them up daily LMAO....  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU... :0) I have so much more to talk about but I want to watch the soaps and then wait for the sun to come up so I can get it done... rolling up rugs for the Boss to wash and dusting the house and mopping these floors.. Ahem sure am... I am grateful to have such a wonderful and simply awesome Mom and a BBS that has by back and is doing her thang gonna be get of out college soon so proud of her.  I love you both and extras and pets... XOXOXOOXOXOX :0) Today was a really GOOD DAY... I have not been able to say that in a while... bwhahahhah Getting there I think.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi to my favorite youngest daughter! Finally turned the computer on after days of being idle...we did have some good rains however..yeh!

Yes, I finally have a cat that doesn't hide from me & her name is "Miss Ellie" as she sounds like a baby elephant when she runs through the house. A very special thanks to my daughter for bringing her to me! She's doing a lot of exploring right now, but is so cute!

Remember that breathing is totally over
rated! HA!

Think that "all things" will be downhill now for a least I hope so! It's time to CHILLAX for some time & just take it easy. So do that...Love them ALL!