Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 seeeeeeeeeeeee ya~!~!`

Awwwww yet another year has come and gone I have been through more than one person has in a lifetime... I am looking forward to big big changes in 2013... I want to feel nothing but PURE and TRUE love from the ones around me.. The ones that don't need me unless they want something or only call when it is ok for them.... I have been through way to much stuff this year and I deserve to be treated as I treat others with caring, kindness, love, concern...  I have tried so hard in the past to make everyone love me and make everyone else HAPPY with I got news for you.. It is NOT ALL ABOUT YOU ANYMORE.... It is about me... I have been down a rough long hard road but I am going to beat this with all I have I deserve it... I know I have not always been the best person in the world but I sure do try.  I say THANK YOU when it is needed and unexpected and tell people I am here not matter what.  I tell people how I feel even it they don't like it (well I have not done much of that but I am here to tell you I am going to start 2013 I hope high HOPES for you)  So if you find out that I am not the same person I was before better ask yourself did I do all I can for Laurajean..... Just saying.... Say for now 2012 is behind me and I only see HAPPINESS and LOVE and FUN in 2013.... So enjoy life, Smile it is free love the ones you love while they understand why you love them like you do tomorrow is not promised and remember to say Please, THANK YOU, your welcome and let that person know you cared enough to NOTICE what they have been for you...... GOODBYE 2012 HELLO 2013 Here I come ready or not..... :0)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ok well I have an Anniversary coming up...

Me and the Boss have an Anniversary coming up and I have to say I love him as much as I did 13 years ago but we have been together for 15...... He is a good man.  He gets on my last nerve but I would not give him up for anything well..... Nope nothing... Sunday is the big day I told him not to buy me anything but since we got three numbers on the lottery this week and won a $150 dollars I told him he could get me a candy bar... He knows my favorite kind BUTTER FINGER baby... :0) I love you JGU..... aka The Boss....

Pictures after surgery tried to add but it said not today..

I tell you that red stuff is from that tap that stupid nurse put on there from my chin to my BOOBS... I ripped my skin off.... :/ It hurt hurt hurt.... But I feel 90 % better today then I did on December 12th 2012...

Yes I am catching up on the blogging thing..

Well it has been two weeks since my surgery and I feel good and my scar looks better then it did before the last one did in August of 2011... I feel better and it was hard at first but I said I was going to be strong and get through this with flying colors.... Well that came to a quick stop once we went back a week later to see the wonderful Doctor... Dr. Vanterpool is the best Doctor next to Dr. Victor.  We are all in shock from the news that I have cancer but I am not going to let this get me down not me I cried a lot at first my Mom turned a color white I had never seen before and said I need a cig I said wait for me I think I need a cig too.. LQTM... But as life deals us a hand we don't like we can choose to throw in back in or kept that hand and play until you get some better cards... :') I went to see Dr. Dill which I will have you know was one of the most HANDSOME Doctor's I have ever seen and I have seen MANY MANY MANY.... He was so kind and told me what I could do and what he thought I should do and my bestie Catherine Young went with me.. We have had our differences but she was there every single time I needed her when my Mom had other things to do.  People tell me not to trust her she is two faced and she is a loony but I trust her fully.  She was there when I needed her and I was there when she needed me and I have never heard anything I have told her from anyone else.  She is my bestie... I love her dearly.  She has issues but who doesn't... She took notes and asked questions so that I could give my Mom and family details in full.  She looted some candy and we laugh because she knows I was very scared.  And then we flirted with the Doctor and he was smiling from ear to ear, but when I left I felt at peace... I am going to beat this I have come way to far to go out like this... I am strong, brave and I am a Mother of three amazing children I have husband I love to dislike.. LQTM I have two cats that love me I think they are just using me for tuna.. LQTM... I have a BBS and one special nephew and one special niece and family in SC and friends I did not even know I had... So today I want to THANK YOU ALL for being there and loving me and showing me what true love is all about and I tell you I know that I am loved... :0) I hope to hear from Doctor Dill that was his name today if not I am going to call him and then make my appointment with Dr. Diamond in Winter Park and Cat is going with me she knows exactly where to go she has been there done that.  I HOPE AND PRAY AND MIRACLE.. that I only have to go once.. No wait I know GOD is only going to make me go once... I can feel it.. :0)

Through the good and bad...

Well I have now had my second surgery with My Mother in toe... She was very calm and she was there when I woke up and I remembered waking up this time.. It was not fun having surgery but it was so different at Florida Heartland then HRMC.... My Mom was great she did her best and tried not to cry but she was so tried and she was going to Orlando that weekend to see my BBS and her grands there. She went and got me stuff for my neck and then some favored ice and then called me and said I can not get my TRACKER to start I thought she was joking because I was teasing her on my way home Thursday night about finally 8:15 it was a long two days and said how am I suppose to get to your house I said ok wait there I will be there now taking the kids to school was not that bad but driving to Publix the day after me losing so much blood and being higher then a Georgia Pine I made it to her and people were looking at me like I was CRAZY and my hair was like ok let's not go there and I was in my little blue night gown from my Mother see through I am sure of it because people were going are you kidding me lady and the huge neck cover was the topper... LMAO.. And then there she was just waiting.  I called The Boss and he said he would get off early since she was leaving tomorrow and took her to get a new battery cause hers was a goner... and checked her oil and tire pressure and filled up the little TRACKER and even fixed her window... But I tell you that day I could not figure out what was worse her driving my car nearly killing us more times than I can count or her dead battery.. But we all made it home in one piece.... She was so funny behind that wheel of my car I pee'd myself more than once I am sure.. She did also... But I tell you what SHE IS THE BEST THING I KNOW... She took charge and helped me like no other.  I Thanked her over and over but it never seemed to be enough. She even made us dinner two nights in a row Chicken and yellow rice and Chili.. my two favorite meals.. So again Mom I love you and thank you so much for all you do, did, done and doing always for me and my family. You are a keeper I tell you... But I swear you can NEVER drive my car AGAIN.... LMAO... :0) I love you Mom.... And from the bottom of my heart you are the BEST MOM EVER... Get the puffs....

Christmas Eve and just us "6"......

We did not even sneak a picture in of The Boss this year.... he would have had the box or blanket or something on his head but he was very busy putting Granny's new Flat Screen Monitor she got from Victor Newman in her computer room/mine and Fran's old bedroom... She really really likes it and The Boss even cleaning up some of the stuff on the icons so it does not take her an hour for her computer to start up... LQTM... We had so much fun Granny got the all snacks down to a tee and we ate almost everything and boy did the Grands get everything that they wanted :0) They always do.  She spoils her grands and they all love it, nothing like Granny in the whole world.  She got a Christmas dinner from Bob Evans talk about yummy I think we will do that every single year... It was awesome.  I got a neat frame and some pot holders Mom said I needed some new ones big time... tee hee and I got ink for printer and a neat shirt scrubs that I love so much because it has lots of pockets.  And I got a new calendar that has really big spaces for me to write on meaning all my appointments LMAO.. And The Boss she really got him this year she wrapped up like 5 boxes inside each other and he was laughing and he got some gift cards to his daily second home... LQTM... We had so much fun and being with my Mom and The Boss and my kids and watching them when they don't know I am watching makes everything in my heart feel warm and love lots of love.  Merry Christmas Just us "6"... 2012 until next year... This was one of the BESTEST CHRISTmas EVER.....  I love you all so much!!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

WHEWWWWWW I am so DONE.... :) Don't HATE...

OK after running around this past week and this weekend I can say that I am finally DONE with everything that I need to have done.... CHRISTmas done, Gifts done, everything is done so now I can sit back and relax I have been feeling a bit stressed out lately everything makes me cry or pissed or both and what really pisses me off are STUPID PEOPLE... I have to sit back and ask myself how in the world can anyone be that stupid.... LQTM... I swear they are sitting at home and when I start the car they go ohhhhh Laurajean is going somewhere let's get going... LQTM.... It is going to be a small CHRISTMAS this year everything costs double what it did last year and the year before that... I swear I can not believe that a box of Lego's costs so much... and baby dolls are you kidding me.. If I get a baby doll I must help around this dirty house or she will stay her happy little ass at Wal-Mart... :) I still have not even posted for so long took me a while to log in.  A big shout out to my Mother for making Little Dude's birthday so special even if I went over the limit LMFAO.. He thinks he is so rich because TIA and Cuz's sent him $10 and his other TIA Vicky... $10 so he said that is twenty hot ass dollars right momma I could not help but laugh... Ok I am off to call DCF and see what the hell they want now... Well they are busy and will call back n the next twenty to thirty minutes so I will write a little more just for some humor... Went to Gramps yesterday and I swear he makes me laugh and we cry and then we laugh... He is so smart and I love the way he sees life... He said even though he can't see he plays around with things in his mind.. I helped him peel his potatoes and he said I be damn you peeled them just like I would have which helped him because it usually takes him about 2 hours and I did it 10 minutes he said can you come back twice a week and we laughed... It is so neat watching him move around and talk. He told me I was skinny enough now but still needed to work on a little bit more but I got some FUDGE... :) When I look at him sometimes when he does not know I am looking at him I see such an amazing Man... I love him dearly but he is so ready to die it makes me sad but he has been saying the same thing for almost 13 years now.. I told me if I die I will call and leave a message.. I laughed. The kids only have 11 1/2 more days until winter break we are not ALOUD to say CHRISTmas break good LORD... See I am telling you it is the little things... LQTM... Ok I will turn on some sounds and await my call back... I hope you all have a wonderful week.. I love you all and remember Santa is still waiting.... I wrote Santa and told him look you know I have been bad this year so let's cut to the chase and just give me peace and I will be one HAPPY LADY... :)