Monday, December 3, 2012

WHEWWWWWW I am so DONE.... :) Don't HATE...

OK after running around this past week and this weekend I can say that I am finally DONE with everything that I need to have done.... CHRISTmas done, Gifts done, everything is done so now I can sit back and relax I have been feeling a bit stressed out lately everything makes me cry or pissed or both and what really pisses me off are STUPID PEOPLE... I have to sit back and ask myself how in the world can anyone be that stupid.... LQTM... I swear they are sitting at home and when I start the car they go ohhhhh Laurajean is going somewhere let's get going... LQTM.... It is going to be a small CHRISTMAS this year everything costs double what it did last year and the year before that... I swear I can not believe that a box of Lego's costs so much... and baby dolls are you kidding me.. If I get a baby doll I must help around this dirty house or she will stay her happy little ass at Wal-Mart... :) I still have not even posted for so long took me a while to log in.  A big shout out to my Mother for making Little Dude's birthday so special even if I went over the limit LMFAO.. He thinks he is so rich because TIA and Cuz's sent him $10 and his other TIA Vicky... $10 so he said that is twenty hot ass dollars right momma I could not help but laugh... Ok I am off to call DCF and see what the hell they want now... Well they are busy and will call back n the next twenty to thirty minutes so I will write a little more just for some humor... Went to Gramps yesterday and I swear he makes me laugh and we cry and then we laugh... He is so smart and I love the way he sees life... He said even though he can't see he plays around with things in his mind.. I helped him peel his potatoes and he said I be damn you peeled them just like I would have which helped him because it usually takes him about 2 hours and I did it 10 minutes he said can you come back twice a week and we laughed... It is so neat watching him move around and talk. He told me I was skinny enough now but still needed to work on a little bit more but I got some FUDGE... :) When I look at him sometimes when he does not know I am looking at him I see such an amazing Man... I love him dearly but he is so ready to die it makes me sad but he has been saying the same thing for almost 13 years now.. I told me if I die I will call and leave a message.. I laughed. The kids only have 11 1/2 more days until winter break we are not ALOUD to say CHRISTmas break good LORD... See I am telling you it is the little things... LQTM... Ok I will turn on some sounds and await my call back... I hope you all have a wonderful week.. I love you all and remember Santa is still waiting.... I wrote Santa and told him look you know I have been bad this year so let's cut to the chase and just give me peace and I will be one HAPPY LADY... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Laura Jean, yes, I'm devastated that you were laughing so d__N hard over me getting stuck in the sand today. However, I will get over it quickly as I couldn't "take to the bed" as I still have lots to do! Glad that You're finished shopping & perhaps now you can relax! I do have my doubts however. Love them & I'm glad you're blogging again. MD