Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3/12/2014 RIP Frank Gordon Haas My Dad, My Friend, Your Lovey!~!~

It is hard to believe that 9 nine years has pasted since you went away.  I often find myself wondering what you would be like today, if you had not had to leave this world.  I will think of something funny and I will go to the phone only to remember I can't call you anymore....  I am glad that we got to spend some really great times together before you left.  I will never forget coming down for Thanksgiving with Dylan for his first Thanksgiving with the Boss and Rusty.  We had so much fun with you!!~  I knew how much you would like the Boss, he can be a hand full sometimes but, he loves me with his whole heart and when you asked him if he truly loved me and he said yes, I saw the way you looked at him and smiled and winked at me.  I will always remember me winning that pool game we played and how you hugged me and held me like it would be the last hug I ever got from you.  In a way it was because, after that you got sick.  I tried my very best to take care of you when you were sick.  I will in my heart never forgive or let go of  "Patty" having you Barker Acted and  and leaving you all alone to die by yourself, in that cold dark room.  But, your KID came and got you out you can bet that.  I will never forget the look on your face when I told the lady at the front desk we can do this the easy way or the hard way.  And, you smiling back at me saying that there is my daughter, my KID, my lovey!!!!  I miss you and your sense of humor and all your BS (insider) No one could BS like you!~!  I kept my promise I made to you and took care of your Father until the very hard end.  I can not believe how many losses we have had in this sad month of March.  You, Mom's Dad's birthday 3/2/2014 he would have been 108 and The Boss' Mom passed away tomorrow 3/13/2014 and then my Gramps, my hero, 3/22/2014.  Let's just say March is not a fun month!~!  I can enjoy the memories and smile and laugh and cry all in minutes. I hope you are having fun every where you are and that you are watching me from afar saying that is my KID and look at all she has been through and she is still standing and smiling and crying inside also.  But, I want you to know I would go back and do it all over again all of it, "For you"!~!~ I love you Dad!~!~  I hope to see you again one day!~!~  I dream of you often and think of you all the time, I will never forget you...... And, remember the GRIN DID WIN!~!~!  "LQTM"  I miss you and love you with all my heart!~!  I wish you could have been here to see SkyeNina and Grayson but, I am grateful you did get to see me have Dylan!~!~!  I thank "GOD" for that............ Remember, I "SO GOT THIS"......................

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy 108th Birthday Granddaddy aka Col. Daddy........

Today, would have been my Granddaddy's 108th birthday.  I know if he was alive he would not believe how this world has changed.  The first thing I think he would say is there is a BLACK PRESIDENT.... LQTM..... He is probably turning over in his grave right now saying are you kidding me.  He called me "HOT SHOT"...... And every summer we went to see them over the summer. I was always going to garage sales and going up to doors saying we were from out of town and could we come earlier.  I miss the smell of my Granddaddy.  Every time I smell Old Spice I turn to see who smells like my Granddaddy.  My Mom and him were very close and she tries to hide her sadness from her favorite most youngest daughter but, I know better.  I hope you are celebrating your 108th Birthday with my Gramps and Gram and Grandmomma (who made me eat pie LOL LOL) and all the other loved ones who are there with you!~!~! Happy Happy Birthday from your one and only "HOT SHOT"......... :') I love you!!~!~!~! This was posted today but, would not post on Sunday like it should have but, I finally got it.  His 108th birthday was Sunday March 2, 2014...... I guess I can not back date like others......

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The good thing about TODAY......

It is almost over yes, I said it and I will say it again it is almost OVER!~!~!  OMG, I feel like I am on a roll coaster going around and around without stopping.  Not, only that I don't even like to ride those kind of rides anymore.  Now back in the day I did.  I talked to more people today than I have in the last two weeks.  But, somehow someway I will finish what I have started.  I did have a great few laughs with my Mom she can always cheers me up and brings me back to earth.  She has been doing that a lot lately.  We laughed our butts off at the guy last night on Jeopardy with the happy finger on the button I thought I would wet my pants.  Gotta, keep that sense of humor it is critical... LQTM.  I am sadden by some people I thought I could count on but, they let me down again and I will never get over it and me saying it was not going to bother me was just a plain out LIE.  But, they say you can always tell who your real friends are when you need something important.  Some were very shocking I will not mention their names because, that would be indiscreet and my Mother taught me better.  Now, if I was Arthur I would be laughing and saying "Susan Johnson".  But, as this day comes to an end I know where I am going and it is always good to remember where I have been. Plus, always remember you can't always depend on that light, LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy 75th Anniversary to you Gram and Gramps.......

Today, would have been my Gram and Gramps 75th Anniversary...... I miss them both so much and I love them more than I ever thought I could.  I never imagined my life without my Gramps but, GOD had other plans for you.  I wish I could pack up for the day if heaven was not so far away. I hope that you and Gram are dancing cheek to cheek and smiling down on me and the kids and the Boss and My Mother.  Gram never got to see me have children and I know she would have loved them so much she, was such a loving woman!~!  I think about all the stories Gramps talked about on your first date and you went to a flicker show as you called it.  You said you had a quarter and you talked about how scared you were because she was the prettiest thing you had ever seen.  You and Gram had the best time and you both got a soda and popcorn and you still had a nickel left and you bought her a candy bar.  I always think about the memories you shared with me after she passed away.  And, you talked about her as she was still alive with such PRIDE and JOY.  I know how much you loved her.  I miss you both and hope that you are celebrating today and everyday!~!~  Please save my seat and never forget how much you both mean to me.  I love you today and always!~!~!  XOXOXOXO Happy 75th and many many more to come!~!  Your favorite, KIDDO!~!~!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

It has been a while.................

I have been pondering and reflecting on so many different things lately, my mind seems to never shut down.  My Gramps would tell me he would start to do that very same thing right before he went to bed and it drove him nuts.  Well, I do it all day every single day seems like every second is filled with something else.  I got my second tattoo and I love love love it!~!~! Got some really neat things for Valentine's Day from the Boss will post pictures.  I have not been sleeping but, after this I am going to bed for sure.  I am worn out.

I guess you can say I am a bit SPOILED!~!~!~