Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The good thing about TODAY......

It is almost over yes, I said it and I will say it again it is almost OVER!~!~!  OMG, I feel like I am on a roll coaster going around and around without stopping.  Not, only that I don't even like to ride those kind of rides anymore.  Now back in the day I did.  I talked to more people today than I have in the last two weeks.  But, somehow someway I will finish what I have started.  I did have a great few laughs with my Mom she can always cheers me up and brings me back to earth.  She has been doing that a lot lately.  We laughed our butts off at the guy last night on Jeopardy with the happy finger on the button I thought I would wet my pants.  Gotta, keep that sense of humor it is critical... LQTM.  I am sadden by some people I thought I could count on but, they let me down again and I will never get over it and me saying it was not going to bother me was just a plain out LIE.  But, they say you can always tell who your real friends are when you need something important.  Some were very shocking I will not mention their names because, that would be indiscreet and my Mother taught me better.  Now, if I was Arthur I would be laughing and saying "Susan Johnson".  But, as this day comes to an end I know where I am going and it is always good to remember where I have been. Plus, always remember you can't always depend on that light, LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, it's true...you can't always depend on that light!!!!!! 220..221 whatever it takes!
It is very hard NOT to feel bad about "someone" NOT coming through for you, but you can have real joy knowing that there is someone that will! Just try not to dwell on it! Easier said that done, I say! Your "step-sister" would have done a much better job than I did in helping you write letters, but alas, she's not available right now! Go for the availability I say! Love them! you are totally welcome! MD