Thursday, February 20, 2014

It has been a while.................

I have been pondering and reflecting on so many different things lately, my mind seems to never shut down.  My Gramps would tell me he would start to do that very same thing right before he went to bed and it drove him nuts.  Well, I do it all day every single day seems like every second is filled with something else.  I got my second tattoo and I love love love it!~!~! Got some really neat things for Valentine's Day from the Boss will post pictures.  I have not been sleeping but, after this I am going to bed for sure.  I am worn out.

I guess you can say I am a bit SPOILED!~!~!~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, well, the blogger is back! Let's see how faithful you are..LQTM! Memories are usually nice, when you do take the time to bring them back!! Love you my YMFDE! Glad I did some of my "Little Jobs" today, but I fear that now, I'll have to call in the BUG guns! It's just too far gone...I hate admitting that I can't do what I want to accomplish as fast & efficiently as I used to "back in the day!" It's always been said that getting older is not for the squeamish! 'Tis true "my little grasshopper!" Amen & love them!